♫♪ You’re a Mean One Mr Grinch! ♫♪

I am a watcher.  I like to watch people.  It has become a hobby of mine.  It’s so interesting to me to just sit back quietly and watch how people are, and how they respond to different situations… especially when they don’t know they’re being watched.  I’m NOT a stalker, however.  A stalker is sick and twisted, sometimes with a perverted agenda.  I’m just basically… curious.  Sometimes it can be fun, sometimes it can be annoying.

For example, as I am typing this blog, I am on a jet 25,000 ft in the air.  I am trapped by these walls of sheet metal and holiday travelers in a long hollow metal tube.  I can’t leave until we land in Denver, and then I have to board another long hollow metal tube to get to Salt Lake City.  I’m also sick.  I’ve been battling a head cold since yesterday, and I also have a splitting headache, and the added pressure of being so high in the air is amplifying the problem.  I’m also claustrophobic, and I’m in a long hollow tube that’s 25,000 feet in the air travelling at about 500mph.

To complicate matters, the man seated next to me has complained from the time he sat down, about anything and everything.  And as I write this sentence, he’s STILL complaining.  He mentioned something about his wife dying 20 years ago… I personally think she’s just hiding.  While some people are humming Christmas carols in the seats surrounding us, this man is just bound to rob everyone of the joy of the Christmas season.  The little lady in the seat in front of me has been calling him “The Grinch.”

♫♪ “You’re a mean one, Mister Grinch.
You really are a heel,
You’re as cuddly as a cactus,
you’re as charming as an eel, Mister Grinch,

You’re a bad banana with a greasy black peel!” ♫♪

As I sit here and try to tune Mr. Acid Mouth out, I think about a particular person that I follow on Twitter.  This person is one of the biggest whiners I have ever listened to in my life.  He’s horribly ungrateful.  I can only imagine living with this moody person.  What’s interesting is that I am mutual friends with others who follow him as well.  Some become angered at his constant negative Tweets, while some try so hard to just be encouraging, but patient, and see if he’ll eventually grow up.  Me, I’m a watcher.  I never respond.  I never get into the middle of it.  I actually have hope…

When I think of Dr Seuss’ “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,” I think of the timeline.  We saw the part of the Grinch’s life where he invaded Whoville and robbed them of their favorite day of the year.  And, at the end of the story, we see how an incident turned him into a new creature with a change of heart.  What we didn’t see was the years before the year that he had the change of heart.  If there was a real timeline in this story, we’d probably see that the Grinch had been this way for a long time.  The Grinch was our hero at the end of the story.  What we also didn’t see are the people of Whoville who gave up on any chance of a reformed Grinch long before his change of Heart.

♫♪ “You’re a vile one, Mister Grinch,
You have termites in your smile,
You have all the tender sweetness
of a seasick crocodile, Mister Grinch,

Given a choice between the two of you
I’d take the … seasick crocodile!” ♫♪

My fellow Tweeter who is ungrateful, and whiney, and sometime downright rude to some people could very well have a change of heart of his own sometime in the future.  For some people, it may be too late.  Some will understandably grow tired of the griping and complaining blasted to their twitter pages and iPhones, and they will eventually block this person so that they don’t have to see his Negative Tweets.  Then there are those who will hang in for the long haul… perhaps just out of morbid curiosity, or perhaps they know that this person will have a hard time making new friends after reform.

Either way, you are what you tweet.  And, if you are whiney and fussy, you stand a chance of no one wanting to be around you.  (In fact, part of my “watching” has been seeing his number of followers decrease.)  But on the flipside, if you are someone who is positive and cheerful, you will likely attract people, because you’ll be the type of person that more people want to be around.

It’s Christmas time!  Don’t be a mully-grub!  Don’t be a Grinch!  Be happy, and help bring Christmas joy to those around you.  Even the man sitting next to me has finally piped down.  (He fell alseep.)

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The goal of “The Alarida Journey” is to reach a lost and dying world for Christ
through stories of how He changes the lives of everyday people.
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© 2012 – Alarida Creative – – Original Release Date – October 8, 2012
Mark T. Ewing is a blogger and stand-up Comic who resides on the Alabama Gulf Coast
♫♪ “You’re a Mean One, Mr Grinch” by Thurl Ravenscroft  contributed to the composition of this story.

♫♪ The Most Wonderful Time of the Year ♫♪

I LOVE CHRISTMAS!  It’s absolutely my favorite time of year.  I love the ham, turkey, and dressing that comes with Christmas Day, I love the fact that Walmart starts selling trees for it in September, and I love the atmosphere that comes along with it.  People seem to be a little friendlier. (Except for Black Friday shoppers who will literally trample you to get 20 bucks off of a Blu-Ray player.)  I enjoy the music of Christmas.  There’s something about bells that I will never tolerate in music January – November, but there’s a certain magic that comes with it in December.

I love Christmas lights, even though I never place a single colored bulb on my home, or even buy a Christmas tree for my family room.  I did participate with my family in the event when I was a child, however.  There was something so fun about getting outside with my dad, and watching him place lights on our home.  I’d help him find the one bulb that kept the entire string of lights from working.  I’d also wait for mom to come outside and admire our work.  It was such a fun time.

Our church would always have a cheesy program for the children, and the standard low budget re-creation of the nativity and birth of Jesus.  (Don’t be hatin’ the low budget Christmas programs.  Making sheep out of four year olds and the stuffing that goes into a quilt was quite hilarious!)

♫♪ “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
There be much misoltoeing
and hearts will be glowing
when loved ones are near.
Its the most wonderful time of the year.

There be parties for hosting,
marshmellows for toasting
and caroling out in the snow.
There be scary ghost stories
and tales of the glories
of Christmases long long ago.” ♫♪

On Christmas Eve, we would have a large party with my entire family… Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and my Grandmother.  My grandmother would purchase gifts for all of the grandchildren, until they reached the age of 18, and then they all got money.  My parents, along with my Aunts and Uncles would compete to see who could give my Grandmother the best, or most expensive gift.  (Gammaw would love whatever she got.  She hated the competition.)

Then there’s Christmas Day!  We typically had planty of leftovers from Christmas Eve, so we didn’t create a redundant feast.  Presents was always awesome!  What I can rattle off of the top of my head that I can remember is my new bikes, the evolution of Nintendo, Sega, and Playstation game systems, and countless boxes of Legos.  I LOVED LEGOS!

Then came Christmas clothes.  Good grief!  My parents had plenty of money when I was a kid, so WHY did my mom insist on getting me stuff from the clearance rack at Walmart?  Really?  C’mon, clothes from Walmart are bad enough, without having to buy from the rack of clothes that NO ONE wanted!  It’s on clearance for a reason!  (It’s all cool… clothing from Walmart tends to fall apart after being washed only 3 times anyway, so they were gone before most people gave up on their New Years resolutions.)

Santa Claus, Toys, Turkey and Dressing, twinkiling lights…  I loved it all.  But, my parents ensured that I never forgot the real reason that we celebrated all of the above.  It was because of the birth of Christ.  Because He was born, He was able to teach us, heal us, and die for us.  He did this to show that He loved us.  I knew Santa wasn’t real, but I knew that Christ was.  And I love the month of December and what comes with it.

So… I am going to dedicate all of my December blogs to the topic of Christmas.  If you’re a “mully grub” that doesn’t like Christmas, or you don’t celebrate it because you believe Jesus was really born in autumn, or you think that Christmas has been too commercialized over the years, or maybe back in 1980, you told someone at the mall in a Santa suit that you wanted a train for Christmas, and you got tighty whiteys instead, and 30 yrs later, you’re STILL bitter…  Bah Humbug!  Read the blogs anyway!  You might get something out of them even when you think you won’t!  How silly to be irritated by the entire month of December.  Get happy!

♫♪ “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by Harry Connick Jr. contributed to the composition of this story.