Mary, Did You Know?

baby-jesus-0103Mary, did you know that you would be impregnated, not by a human, but by the Holy Spirit?  Did you know how hard this would be to explain to an unbelieving world?  Even 2000 years later, people will find it difficult to believe.  I cannot imagine how it felt to explain this to your husband.  Surely he had his doubts.

Did you know that your Son would heal the sick, sight the blind, and raise the dead right out of the grave?  He messed up funerals!  It was still not enough for everyone.  Many still found reason to not like Him.  He was eventually sentenced to death, at only 33 years old.  A young man was nailed to a wooded cross, stabbed and beaten for crimes he didn’t commit.  But, did you know that 3 days later, he would rise again and defeat death and that grave?

Did you know that later, there would be a celebration given in His namesake for His birthday? For a really long time, it’s the most joyous time of year.  Eventually, it becomes less joyous as some of the meaning is stripped away from it as people abbreviate the name from Christmas to X-mas.  That’s still too close, so they actually add a syllable and say “Happy Holidays.”  This is the same period of time where some people in other countries are sentenced to death for owning a single page of the bible, and others can’t even recognize His name when unwrapping a gift in red paper and a green bow.

Gifts… Did you know that “peace on Earth” and “good will to man” could turn deadly?  Nor did I until there were stories of stores that would discount many hot items one day out of the year, and greed would lead many people to trample others to their deaths just to be the first in line. It somehow seems that this is not what you imagined as you delivered this precious child so long ago.

Did you know that founding fathers of the United States of America would use the Words and principals given by your Son Jesus as the moral foundation of the country?  As time goes by, those principals are one by one stripped away by those who have troubles stepping outside of their comfort zone, and denying sin.  It even gets to a point where many are told when and where they can and cannot acknowledge your Son.  Children are told that they can and will be punished for bringing a bible to school, but those same government officials ask the nation to pray during times of tragedy.  Yes, it’s a double standard.

Mary, did you know that in spite of everything I’ve told you about how your son is so wonderful, and loved so many people, and healed them… and yet they still mock Him, take Him for granted, deny Him… In spite of all of these things, He still loves each and every one of them? He forgives them.  As horrible as the cross was, it was a very beautiful thing.  It was about forgiveness and love.  Your Son still forgives those who do things that He as a perfect being would never do.  He knows of their temptations, because he faced many of them himself.

He awaits the day that the Father tells Him to return to Earth and bring home His bride… the ones who chose to reject sin and choose life with Him… the relationship… the bond.  And He has spent all of this time preparing for them a gift that’s far too large to fit under a Douglas Fir.  He’s prepared a home where His Children will never hurt, nor fall ill, not ever have an unhappy moment, nor ever hate another brother or sister ever again.  He’s created the ultimate Christmas gift for His children… Eternity with Him.  This is your Son.

In spite of the world around Him, He never wavered.  And to this day, He still holds that same world in His loving Hands.  As tragedy and calamity surround His children, He never leaves their side.  He walks with those who do and do not acknowledge Him.  He awaits the cries from those who have rejected Him and ask to return to the family.  And the angels sing praises!  This is your son!

Did you know that many will look at the problems they face this very minute, and some will say that there’s no way out?  They will see their very existence as an error… a mistake.  But your son doesn’t make mistakes.  He’s never broken a mold, as many sometimes say.  He designed everyone to make a choice, but He used himself as an example to tell everyone that “If I can, you can too.”

Mary, did you know that all someone has to do to get forgiveness from their sins is to JUST ASK?  It’s very simple.  When they ask for Jesus to come into their hearts, He will, and their life will begin to change, and they will turn from sin, because they’ll understand that their relationship with Him leaves them in a place where they don’t need sin any longer.  And when it’s all said and done, they will spend eternity with Him in they great place He prepared.

Mary, you should be a very proud mom.  Because, that’s who your baby boy becomes.