Me and Jesus (for George Jones)

The music legends of our time are dropping like flies.  Just a few years ago, we lost Michael Jackson, followed a couple years later by Whitney Houston.  I attended both of their memorial services from my own home thanks to DirecTV.  Still, it’s not hard to get choked up even in your own home when you see the lives that were impacted by these singers.

Both of these artists had amazing memorial services, and I felt like I was witnessing history as I watched.  I didn’t get to see the funeral of Elvis Presley who passed before I was born, but everything I ever heard was that the country mourned greatly at the death of the King.

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of Country Music LEGEND George Jones.  He was 81 at his time of leaving us to be with Jesus.  Now, when a legend passes away, it’s all that is talked about on the news and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.  It didn’t take long for news to spread that Westboro Baptist Church intended to picket Mr Jones’ funeral.  Ya know, there’s some rough and rowdy Country Legends who AREN’T dead, and would probably be at this funeral…  Me… I wouldn’t wanna be holding a picket sign at this particular event.  Country boys normally can fight pretty well!

Why bother George Jones, Westboro?  He was a “good ole boy!”  Well, that was apparently enough for them to hold an eternal grudge against the singer that was known to most as “Possum.”  Their claim was that George was a “drunkard” and says he “used his talent to glorify himself and engage in much adultery.”  Well, this “church” which resembles more of a hate group didn’t know the heart, and the “turn around” of the Possom.

“Well, I know a man
That once was a sinner
I know a man
That once was a drunk.

And I know a man
That once was a loser
But he went out one day
And made an altar out of a stump.”

When Brad Paisley took to the stage at the funeral, he belted out this song with his voice and guitar… a once single for George Jones himself.  Jones made a life change during his  infamous rowdy career that involved confessing his sins and asking for forgiveness.  I have no idea how Westboro Baptist Busybodies missed out on this little chunk of information.  I knew about it years ago myself, and I think I would have probably done a little research before traveling to Nashville with my picket signs and tangling with someone like Trace Adkins.  (Have you see that dude?  He’s like 7 feet tall!)

“Jesus brought me
Through all of my troubles
Jesus brought me
Through all of my trials.

And my Jesus brought me
Through all of my heartaches
And I know my Jesus
Isn’t gonna forsake me now.”

Well, I don’t know for sure if Westboro Baptist ever actually made it anywhere close to the Grand Ole Opry with their hateful agenda, because they actually had intentions of trying picket the basketball arena where Jason Collins is playing on the same day.  (Yeah, they have a problem with homosexuals too.)  But, this church who has a reputation for never being part of the solution, but always being part of the problem can actually learn a lot from ole George Jones.

Confession and forgiveness create a concrete bond with the Father.  Jesus is not up in Heaven waiting to slap us on the back of the hand with a wooden ruler every time we make a mistake.  That man DIED for us!  We are forgiven!  George Jones is in heaven singing with the angels as you read this.  He surely didn’t care what Westboro was up to yesterday, nor did he really care about much of anything aside from worshiping the Father.

So, as I sit and listen to “Me and Jesus,” I am reminded from his own voice that “He and Jesus have it all worked out, and they don’t need anybody to tell them what it’s all about.”

“‘Cause, me and Jesus
We got our own things going
Me and Jesus
We got it all worked out.

Me and Jesus
We got our own things going
We don’t need anybody
To tell us what it’s all about.”

“Me and Jesus” by George Jones contributed to the composition of this story.

I Can Only Imagine

HeavenSeveral years back, I was asked to sing at a funeral.  I couldn’t imagine why I was chosen among so many great vocalists that were in attendance, because I am not by any means what I would consider a good singer.  I found out later that before this precious lady passed, she had mentioned how much she loved hearing me sing in church when I was a small child… so I was asked to sing when she passed.  As nervous as I was, it was truly an honor, because this lady embodied what it was like to be a Christ follower.

I had about 24 hours to determine what I would sing, so that I could coordinate with the band and rehearse a time or two.  This lady was an “old school” piano playing, gospel music loving, lady of The Lord.  So, I should sing a hymn.  Which one?  Amazing Grace!  Everyone knows that one.  But… I really can’t remember a funeral I have been to where Amazing Grace wasn’t performed.  Plus, I’m not the only person singing today, and they might want that song…

“I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By Your side

I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When Your face
Is before me

I can only imagine.”

I settled on this song because to me, it really spelled out how is lady lived her life.  She lived it with no fear… Only fear of The Lord.  She truly was one of those people who never had a bad thing to say about anyone, and always looked for the very best in everyone.  One of those people you knew you could count on to keep a secret, and if you needed to call her for prayer at 3am, she’d stay on the phone to sunrise if needed.  Christ in heels… that’s how I saw her.  And don’t tell me that’s disrespectful, because the Bible clearly instructs us to be imitators of Christ.  She DID THAT.

No fear.  When she met Jesus just after her final breath on Earth, I can only imagine how she reacted.  There are so many possibilities.  I’d like to believe I know how I would react, but I can’t.  I’d like to believe that when The Lord looks at me and says “Welcome Home,” that I would reply with a strong “Thank You, Lord…”  and humbly walk through the pearly gates.  But chances are that I would break down and cry my eyes out, and continue for who knows how long.  Man… What a moment!

“Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for You Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all

I can only imagine”

When that day comes, and we find ourselves there is His presence, and we are ushered into His kingdom… we will have no regrets for living the “good life” in the “bad world” of Earth.  It will be the ultimate reward, but we will see it as the opportunity to eternally thank the One who gave all to make it possible.  We can only imagine the unimaginable.  Tell me it’s easy to imagine what heaven will really be like… I dare ya!  All we know is that what we can possibly imagine about it, it’s probably a billion times greater.  The Lord built the universe in 7 days… Imagine what He can build in a several thousand years!


“I Can Only Imagine” by “MercyMe” contributed to the composition of this story.

♫♪ A Man you would Write About ♫♪

The arrival of high school yearbooks is always an exciting time for students.  They get to flip through the pages and see themselves and their friends, and their new hardcover source of memories in their school colors.

Traditionally, the front and back pages are intentionally left blank.  These pages are for friends and teachers to sign their name to a personal message to the book owner.  Some get messages like “Have a great summer,” “Never change, and you’ll go far” or “Do something stupid… YOLO.”  These messages are awesome and somewhat memorable, but they just can’t touch a message like “You were such a great friend,” or “I’m really glad I was able to know you.”

I recently had a conversation with a real good friend of mine, and he was telling me of a dying wish.  He has put into place how he’d like for his funeral to be, or actually what he called his “Celebration of Life.”  He wants a service that is uplifting and joyful, rather than many of the sad ones he has witnessed before.  Something that stands out though is this… He wants a solid white casket, and a pile of sharpies.  With this, his friends and family can actually write messages on the casket.  Though he will never see the messages, they’ll be with his “earth suit” forever.

Now, some of you will perhaps read that and say “that’s a real arrogant and cocky attitude to have” or “he must be really full of himself.”  You don’t know him.  If you did, you’d know that’s very far from being true.  He has a heart for God and a heart for people, and a sincere heart for service.

♫♪ “From the time time began You always chose a man
to lead the people safely by Your way
To be a voice and echo what You say.
Like David or Abraham Your Word is full of such men.
And if the Bible had no closing page and still was being written to this day…” ♫♪

♫♪ “Generations away it is my prayer that they will look back and say
Oh, to have that kind of faith and love… What a solid man of God he was” ♫♪

God has not called His Children to be a congregation to the world, but He has charged them with being the ones to spread the GREAT NEWS of His Word to a lost and dying people.  We are called to be nothing less than radical world changers.  We read about people in the Bible who were this very thing, and we are to simply pick up where they left off.  We are to continue the legacy of Christ.  We are to be Jesus in shoe leather.

♫♪ “I want to be a man that you would write about
Oh a thousand years from now that they could read about
Your servant of choice in whom You found favor
A man who heard Your voice.” ♫♪

That’s not arrogance or cockiness… that’s God’s desire.  That’s what’s He has called ALL OF US to do… to deliver the great commission, and to be His representatives on this big spinning rock that is our temporary home.  To make a difference just as He did 2000 years ago.

Wanting to be God’s chosen one… some call them history makers, or Jesus Freaks.  My friend is one of them.  He becomes less to become more, but when you talk to him, you KNOW that Jesus is in his heart, and you KNOW he wants you to know Jesus too.  I somehow believe that on the day of his Celebration of Life, there will be many messages that speak those same words written in sharpie ink covering his white casket.

♫♪ “A Man you would Write About” by 4HIM contributed to the composition of this post.