♫♪ This is Christmas ♫♪

I was just a kid riding down the main street in our town with my father when it happened.  My dad glanced over at a local store, drove about a quarter mile past it, pulled over, and performed a U-Turn.  He drove to back to the store front.  He instructed me to stay put, as he exited the car and entered the store.  Through the window of the store, I could see my father having what was becoming a heated argument.

He finally came back outside, redder than a stop sign.  I was totally confused, and needless to say, afraid to ask what that was all about.  My father finally took time to explain to me that when he passed the store, in larger letters on the store’s window glass, it read “Merry X-Mas.”

My father was not the best Christian in the world, but he was not about to pass up a chance to tell someone that they should never take the name of Christ out of Christmas.  If I remember correctly, dad told me that the manager’s excuse for this was that there was not enough room to write the full word “Christmas” and still have painted both large enough and readable letters from the road.  Dad was very stern with his belief though, and he gave that man an earful.

It’s common knowledge that here in the 21st century some are now saying “Happy Holidays” rather than the traditional “Merry Christmas” around December.  Some have used the excuse that Happy Holidays includes both Christmas and New Years into two words and one phrase.  Others argue that it associates all of December’s Holidays into one, excluding no one, and offending less people.   Now, add two additional sets of people.

People #1 are the ones who have totally forgotten what Christmas is all about.  They may still think about Christ being the reason for the Holiday, but they’re more focused on buying and receiving gifts.

People #2 are the ones who have done research and believe that Christ was not born on December 25th all, and have chosen to not celebrate the birth of Christ… period.

♫♪ “Do you find it hard to sleep tonight
resting by the Christmas lights
Could there be something you forgot
Beyond the bows and mistletoe
A tree with presents wrapped below
There’s more to this than you had ever thought
Have we lost the reason that we celebrate each year?

What is Christmas
if there never was a Savior wrapped in a manger?
What is Christmas
if the angels never sang glory to the newborn king?
What is Christmas without Christ?” ♫♪

Christmas is a very special holiday, and it’s slammed packed with activities.  It’s the time when folks are rushing to the mall to get gifts, rushing to the grocery store to get the Christmas ham, and we cannot forget the trip to the Hallmark Store to reach out to the out of town friends and family.  Trimming trees, hanging twinkling lights on the house, hanging stockings above the fireplace…  it’s all a tradition for many of us.

If presents are your thing, buy presents!  If you prefer to ditch the twinkling lights and the overpriced tree and just make a really nice dinner, make that dinner the best you’ve ever made and enjoy the time with your family.  If you don’t celebrate the holiday because you don’t believe Christ was born on Dec 25th, enjoy your day off from work.

No matter how you celebrate the holiday, it is important to remember that you cannot have Christmas without Christ.   So, take time to read the Christmas story found in the Gospels of the Holy Bible.  Remember that Jesus was born.  He came to take away the sin of the world, and his death put in into action.  It’s irrelevant what day we recognize Him, but it’s very important to recognize Him.  If you’ve never accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, He is waiting on you, and you can do that TODAY.

Enjoy Christmas!  Enjoy Hanukkah and Kwanzaa.  Enjoy the day off!  But, be sure to remember Christ.

♫♪ “This is Christmas.
It’s all about a Savior wrapped in a manger.
This is Christmas because of Jesus Christ.” ♫♪

♫♪ “This is Christmas” by Kutless contributed to the composition of this story.